<Rafael />

Hi there,

My name is Rafael Avilés

I am a

A laptop creating a website.
Me looking at the camera, with the forest in the background.

About me

I am a Web Developer who specializes in building high quality responsive websites that are accessible to as many people as possible. I am comfortable working with C#, Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript and several of its frameworks.

Web Development

I can create websites and webapps with accessibility, responsiveness and SEO in mind.

UI/UX Design

I make sure the navigation and visual experience feels intuitive and is made in a way that most people can use it with ease.


Screenshot of the project's webpage.

Typefight is a typing game where you get a random sentence, type it in, and compare your time with a global highscore

Python, Flask, Docker, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Screenshot of the project's webpage.

A fullstack weather app made with Reactjs, Flask and TypeScript.

React, TypeScript, Python, Flask, CSS

Screenshot of the project's webpage.

This is a website made using Next.js, a static site generator; and Ghost, a headless cms for the blog section.

Node, Nextjs, Ghost CMS, TypeScript

Screenshot of the project's webpage.

This app is a solution to the Frontend Mentor calculator challenge. Some of the math functionailty is still a work in progress.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript
